Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Petti in the Pasture

Lilly told me the other night that she wanted to put her brown skirt on and take pictures!!! It took mere seconds for me to pick my jaw up off of the ground and grab my camera and off we went. I had gotten this GREAT new chair a couple of days before so we loaded up the Gator and away we went!!

There are parts of our pasture that are really magical in the evening light so we braved the tall grass (ok, she had boots on~ I had flip flops... I braved the tall grass to get to the cool spots. I will spare you most of the narrative and just post some pics................................

Then it was off to another magical spot where Lilly showed me how the big girls pose.........

Oh Lord~ we are SO not ready for her to get any older!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Gone Baby Gone

Wow~ so I am already a neglectful blogger.... big shock there!!! Things have been kind of crazy around here lately with summer activities and all.

The biggest event in our lives lately was packing baby boy off to camp- I've never actually had an arm chopped off but I am pretty sure that it is more fun than leaving your baby at a place full of kids he doesn't know, knowing that you will have no contact with him for an entire week!! What was I thinking????!!!???

His couselor's name is Hot Fresh and Cheesy~ they all have nicknames and part of the fun is finding out the story behind them. Cheesy got his nickname because, get this, he likes American Cheese on his donuts!!! Now, I am not ever one to disparage American Cheese but donuts are possibly the one food that I WOULD NOT adorn with cheese... but I'm not judging!! Another funny thing~ Cheesy is actually from a small town in Alabama very near where Grant's grandparents lived and where he spent many of his best summers thus endearing him to Father Bear!!

Pine Cove is an awesome camp~ part of my life for many of my formative years so
I know that he is going to have an amazing time, but come on people~ web cams or something would be nice!! So far I have held on to the *transactions are pending on this account when I log into his camp store account as proof of his well being- if he is shopping he must be ok!

I was so proud of my baby as he stoically hugged us goodbye and walked into the swimming pool amongst the throng of kids and jumped on in.... WAY TO GO!!

I know that he is having a blast but I have to admit that I am VERY ready to bring my baby home~ I may be camping outside the gates of camp when they open Saturday morning!!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

I LOVE Summer!!

OK~ can I just tell you how much I love this time of year? The kids have been having so much fun playing outside and swimming, all my flowers are blooming and it is just SO green!

Since the kids are already in a playful mood it is so much easier to get the fun shots- Lilly and Garrett decided that spraying each other with water just wasn't enough so they resorted to paint!

Lilly joined her brother in the pasture the other day for a rousing game of tackle frisbee in her dress and heels- hey, a girl's gotta be prepared for anything!!

These days are just made for dozing!!

Yep~ this is about the perfect time of year-still a cool breeze in the mornings, even the afternoons aren't too bad and everyone wants to be off I go. Bye bye!