Thursday, January 15, 2009

2009 already?? Weatherford, Tx photographer

div>Wow- I have no idea how this new year snuck up on me but here it is and now I have to learn how to write a whole new date! I really feel like it was just barely 2008-I just can't understand why it is that the more you need to get done the faster the time goes!!

I know that I've been a very neglectful blogger and while I'd like to say that my New Year's resolution is to blog more regularly, I just can't- see, I never keep my resolutions so that would just be setting me up for failure! Instead, I'm just going to take it one day at a time!! So what that it's only taken me 15 days into the New Year to start...better late than never, huh??

I thought that I would post a couple of my personal pics that I took over the holiday season while I was officially "on vacation" from working and shooting purely for the fun of it!

our very newborn baby longhorn - Colton

guess who got makeup for Christmas?!?


how great is this old bed- I found it at this cool shop in downtown Weatherford and knew I just had to have it!! I have some very big plans for it come spring!

this is baby Colton at about 3 wks old- can you believe how fast they grow??

I would post more but I have to save some to post tomorrow!!