Monday, October 27, 2008

I'm in love.....

he has big blue eyes and red hair and is GORGEOUS!!! Grant's not worried, though (in fact, he was pretty smitten with him as well!)- he is only 6 months old! This was the sweetest family and seriously, I'm voting baby Dillon for President- I think he is completely up to the task! Here are a couple of pics from Saturday morning... ENJOY!! (I have been!)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Gorgeous Senior

I had the pleasure of spending the afternoon with a super neat senior who could twirl a rifle like crazy!! I love photographing seniors- their enthusiasm is contagious and really energized me for the rest of the day!! Here is a little sneak preview of our afternoon- there are MANY more photos to go... this is just a teeny taste!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Brown-Eyed Cuties!!

SO I was lucky enough to spend the morning with two of the cutest kids I have seen! They were both so much fun and we had a great time playing everything from tea part to horses.... it's mornings like that that I give thanks for getting to do what I do!
Unfortunately, the day went a little downhill from there- I stepped wrong off of our stairs and broke my foot. Uggg- who has time for this?!?!? I left the ER with crutches and a splint- of course the crutches just really don't fit into my life so I was forced to make do without them and today am taking it easy trying to get ready for my 3 shoots on Saturday!
Ok, enough about me and my gracefulness... on to the precious Lexi and Jace~

and one of my favorites so far... How to know when the kids are done....she was such a great big sister, she really tried to talk him into more pictures-

but he was having NONE of it...have you seen a cuter cry?!?!?