Friday, August 29, 2008

it was a dark and stormy night...

Ok, well maybe it was more like evening so it wasn't actually dark and it wasn't really storming so much as thundering in the distance, but we did have some really great clouds! My friend Darcey (hi Darcey Looo!!) and her handsome son Rob and gorgeous daughter Amanda came over and we had a great time taking Amanda's pictures with the thunder providing some great background noise. I tried to snap a few of Rob but he was camera shy (I did get a cute one of the two of them- I will post it soon!).

Here's a peek at a couple of the pics of that gorgeous senior~

some of the pics were made more dramatic thanks to the clouds...

but then who doesn't like a little bit of drama (except you- you know who you are!!!)


darcey said...

The pictures are amazing!! She will be so impressed when she sees them!! Great job!!

Amber said...

i love love love the black and white. i didn't know you did pictures. i need to get you to do the kids!! how much do you charge?